PhD, research engineer in numerical modelling and data processing in Earth sciences
- I am a scientist and research engineer, currently working in Datlas, Grenoble, France. I am interested in ensemble/probabilistic approaches in ocean & sea-ice numerical modeling and statistical data analysis.
- Some recent or on-going projects and technical realisations i’m involved in:
- SASIP: The Scale-Aware Sea ice Project
- OSTST-IMHOTEP [(github)](
- H2020-IMMERSE-MEDWEST60: An ensembles of high-resolution kilometric-scale regional ocean simulations to study short-term predictability of surface ocean fine scale dynamics based on (GitHub page here),
- H2020-EUROSEA: Design of the Observing System Simulation Experiments with multi-platform in situ data and impact on fine- scale structures (GitHub page here),
- OSTST-IMHOTEP: IMpacts of freshwater discHarge interannual variability on Ocean heaT-salt contents and rEgional sea level change over the altimetry Period (web page under construction,
- CMEMS-GLO-HR: Learning from large-ensemble ocean simulations to better interpret satellite and in-situ ocean data.
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Academic background and Curriculum Vitae :
Here is my full Curriculum Vitae [pdf], updated apr. 2022.
I am a former undergraduate student of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France (2002-2004) and got my master degree in Earth and Environmental sciences (2006) from ENS Lyon and Uni. J. Fourier, Grenoble, France.
I have a PhD in atmospheric dynamics (2009) from LTHE/Uni. J. Fourier, Grenoble, France. [pdf].
- I have then worked at:
- NOAA, Boulder, CO, USA (2010-2011),
- SUNY , Albany, NY, USA (2012),
- CNRM/Météo-France, Toulouse, France (2013-2014),
- MEOM/IGE, Grenoble, France (2015-2017),
- Ocean Next, grenoble, France (2017-2021),
- Datlas, Grenoble, France (Apr. 2022 - Present).
- I also have the french diploma “Agrégation SVT” (2005) for high-school teaching.
Topic interests:
- Variability of the climate system : ocean and atmosphere numerical modeling and statistical analysis.
- Keywords: Eddy-permitting ocean GCMs, ocean low-frequency intrinsic variability, ensemble simulations, atmospheric GCMs, tropical variability, convectively coupled equatorial waves, MJO, deep convection, west-african monsoon, teleconnexions.
- My peered-reviewed publications: here.
- Orcid ID:
- my account on Research Gate.
- my account on GitHub